Unlocking Diversity in Cannabis

Building a more inclusive industry through education, advocacy, and community



Creating a strong and diverse network of industry professionals and enthusiasts



Providing comprehensive resources and training programs for industry professionals



Promoting equitable policies and opportunities in the cannabis industry

About Us

Diversity Gap Academy is a central hub for education, advocacy, and community building focused on creating a more diverse and inclusive cannabis industry. Through our initiatives and programs, we strive to bridge the gap in representation and provide equal opportunities for all individuals.

We believe that diversity and inclusion are essential for the growth and success of the cannabis industry. Our motivation to start Diversity Gap Academy stems from the need to address the existing disparities and promote a fair and equitable industry for everyone involved.

Our Initiatives

Empowering individuals and communities through impactful programs


Providing financial assistance for underrepresented individuals to pursue careers in cannabis


Pairing industry professionals with aspiring individuals to provide guidance and support

Policy Reform

Advocating for inclusive policies and regulations within the cannabis industry

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Inspiring Stories

Read how our initiatives have transformed lives and empowered individuals

Transformation Story 1

From a struggling entrepreneur to a successful cannabis business owner, Sarah’s journey is a testament to the power of inclusivity and equal opportunities.

Transformation Story 2

Meet Carlos, whose life took a positive turn through our scholarship program, allowing him to pursue his passion in the cannabis industry and uplift his community.

how CBD balm is different than CBD oil

How is CBD Balm Different From CBD Oil

CBD has been gaining popularity in the health and wellness industry, but with various forms available, it can be confusing to know which one is right for you.

In this article, we will explore the differences between two common forms of CBD – CBD oil and CBD balm. From the benefits to how they are used, we will cover everything you need to know to help you decide whether CBD oil or CBD balm is the right choice for you.

Let’s dive in and discover the differences between these two popular CBD products.

What Is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural remedy derived from plant-based cannabinoids known for its therapeutic effects on the body.

Initially utilized for its medicinal properties by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Chinese, CBD’s origin can be traced back to the cannabis plant. Unlike its counterpart THC, which is renowned for its psychoactive effects, CBD is non-intoxicating and offers a range of therapeutic benefits.

Thanks to its plant-based nature, CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system to help regulate functions such as sleep, mood, pain, and immune response, making it a versatile natural alternative for various health conditions.

What Are The Different Forms Of CBD?

CBD is available in various forms, with two popular options being CBD oil and CBD balm, each offering unique benefits and application methods.


CBD oil is a versatile product known for its skin benefits and therapeutic effects, commonly extracted using various methods such as CO2 extraction.

The skin benefits of CBD oil are manifold, as it is rich in antioxidants that help in reducing inflammation, soothing irritation, and promoting overall skin health. With its antibacterial properties, CBD oil can also help in managing acne and other skin conditions. The therapeutic effects of CBD oil extend to aiding in the relief of skin issues like eczema and psoriasis.

When it comes to extraction methods, apart from CO2 extraction, other common methods include solvent extraction and olive oil extraction, each offering unique characteristics to the final product.

CBD Balm

CBD balm is a targeted solution for various skin conditions, offering pain relief and soothing properties when applied directly to the affected areas.

One of the key benefits of CBD joint and muscle balm is its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce redness and irritation associated with skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. The cannabinoids in CBD interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, helping to regulate immune response and promote overall skin health.

CBD balm can provide a cooling sensation when applied, offering instant relief to itching or burning skin. Its natural ingredients, such as essential oils and botanical extracts, further contribute to its soothing properties, making it a gentle yet effective option for those seeking relief from skin discomfort.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a wellness product known for its health benefits, with its effectiveness influenced by factors such as skin absorption and product formulation.

When it comes to the health benefits of CBD oil, its skin absorption plays a crucial role in ensuring maximum efficacy. The skin, being the body’s largest organ, absorbs substances that are applied topically, allowing for direct access to the bloodstream. The effectiveness of CBD oil also depends on its formulation. Factors such as the quality of ingredients, extraction methods, and concentration levels all contribute to how well the product works. Choosing a high-quality CBD oil with a well-thought-out formulation can make a significant difference in experiencing the full range of benefits it has to offer.

What Are The Benefits Of CBD Oil?

CBD oil offers a range of benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that promote relaxation and overall well-being.

These properties of CBD oil can play a significant role in reducing inflammation in the body’s tissues, providing relief for individuals suffering from conditions like arthritis or muscle strains.

By targeting the body’s inflammatory responses, CBD oil can help alleviate pain and swelling, allowing for better mobility and comfort.

The antioxidant properties of CBD oil assist in combating oxidative stress and free radical damage, bolstering the body’s natural defense mechanisms.

This dual action of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits not only contributes to physical health but also aids in promoting a sense of calm and relaxation, supporting mental wellness.

How Is CBD Oil Used?

CBD oil can be used through oral consumption, with its absorption rate influencing the dosage guidance for optimal effects.

By taking CBD oil orally, the absorption rate can vary depending on individual factors such as metabolism and body composition. It is essential to follow dosage guidance provided by healthcare professionals or product labels to achieve the desired effects.

Some individuals may prefer sublingual consumption for quicker absorption, while others may opt for capsules or edibles for a slower release. Understanding the absorption rate and proper dosage can help users maximize the benefits of CBD oil and minimize the risk of adverse effects.

What Is CBD Balm?

lip balm

CBD balm is a topical product designed to relieve muscle tension and joint pain, with its formulation playing a key role in its effectiveness.

When selecting a CBD balm for muscle tension relief, it is crucial to consider the ingredients used in the formulation. Quality ingredients such as organic hemp extract, essential oils, and natural emollients like shea butter or coconut oil can enhance the balm’s therapeutic properties. These ingredients work synergistically to target inflammation and soothe discomfort in the muscles and joints, offering a natural alternative for those seeking relief.

The careful formulation process ensures that the CBD balm provides targeted relief, allowing individuals to apply it directly to the affected areas for localized benefits.

What Are The Benefits Of CBD Balm?

CBD balm offers relief from inflammation, with its targeted product usage and skin absorption enhancing its effectiveness for localized issues.

It works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological functions, including immune response and inflammation. The CBD binds to the CB2 receptors in the skin, reducing inflammation and providing a soothing effect. This targeted approach ensures that the balm is applied directly to the affected area, allowing for quicker and more effective relief. The skin absorption of CBD balm facilitates a gradual release of the compound, prolonging its benefits for sustained comfort.

How Is CBD Balm Used?

CBD balm is applied directly to the skin, allowing for targeted relief and effectiveness in delivering skin benefits for specific concerns.

When using CBD balm, it is recommended to first cleanse the area of application to ensure that the skin is free of any dirt or oils that could potentially reduce its absorption. Once the skin is clean and dry, take a small amount of the balm and gently massage it into the targeted area using circular motions. This direct application method helps the active ingredients penetrate deeply into the skin, providing localized relief and nourishment. The therapeutic properties of CBD, such as its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, can work wonders in calming irritated skin, reducing redness, and promoting overall skin health.

What Are The Differences Between CBD Oil And CBD Balm?

CBD oil and CBD balm differ in various aspects, including absorption rate, targeted use, and the ingredients used in their formulations.

Application Method

CBD oil and CBD balm differ in their application methods, with CBD oil often ingested for systemic effects while CBD balm is applied topically for localized skin absorption.

  1. When it comes to CBD oil, oral ingestion is a common approach. This method allows the CBD to enter the bloodstream through the digestive system, providing widespread effects throughout the body.
  2. On the other hand, CBD balm is applied directly to the skin, where it is absorbed locally. The skin absorbs the CBD, allowing for targeted relief in specific areas.

This difference in application methods leads to varying levels of skin absorption and systemic effects, making each product suitable for different purposes.

Absorption Rate

The absorption rates of CBD oil and CBD balm differ, impacting their effectiveness in addressing specific skin conditions and providing targeted relief.

  1. CBD oil is known for its faster absorption rate compared to CBD balm, making it a suitable choice for conditions requiring quick relief, such as muscle soreness or joint pain.
  2. On the other hand, CBD balm, with its slower absorption rate, is often preferred for long-lasting effects on skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

Understanding the absorption rates of these products is crucial in determining the most suitable option based on the specific needs of individuals dealing with different skin issues.

Targeted Use

CBD oil and CBD balm offer targeted relief, with CBD oil suitable for overall wellness and CBD balm ideal for addressing muscle tension and joint pain.

CBD oil is commonly used to promote a sense of balance and general well-being within the body due to its interaction with the endocannabinoid system.

On the other hand, CBD balm, when applied topically, can penetrate deep into the muscles, providing localized relief for specific areas affected by muscle tension and joint pain. This targeted approach allows individuals to experience more immediate and focused relief from discomfort, making CBD balm a popular choice for those seeking relief from localized issues.


CBD oil and CBD balm differ in their ingredients, with CBD oil often containing organic ingredients for premium quality, while CBD balm may include full-spectrum extracts for enhanced benefits.

Organic ingredients in CBD oil are carefully selected and processed to ensure a pure and potent product. These ingredients are typically sourced from organically grown hemp plants, free of pesticides and harmful chemicals.

On the other hand, the full-spectrum extracts in CBD balm contain a variety of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial compounds found naturally in the hemp plant. This full-spectrum approach in CBD balm is believed to produce an entourage effect, maximizing the therapeutic potential of the product.

Which One Should You Choose: CBD Oil Or CBD Balm?

Deciding between CBD oil and CBD balm depends on factors such as your preference for alternative medicine, the desired wellness product experience, and a comparative analysis of their benefits.

Factors To Consider

When choosing between CBD oil and CBD balm, consider factors like absorption rate, anti-anxiety properties, and the overall effectiveness of the product for your specific needs.

  1. CBD oils are known for their higher absorption rates compared to balms due to the sublingual administration method. This method allows the CBD to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the tissues under the tongue, leading to quicker effects.
  2. On the other hand, CBD balms are popular for their targeted application and localized relief, making them ideal for joint or muscle pain. In terms of anti-anxiety benefits, both CBD oil and CBD balm can help alleviate symptoms, but the faster absorption of oil may provide quicker relief in acute situations.

Consulting With A Doctor


Before choosing between CBD oil and CBD balm, consulting with a doctor can provide insights based on medical studies, the potential for complementary therapy, and how cannabinoid receptors may interact with each product.

Patients who are exploring the benefits of CBD products for their health and wellness should consider the various factors that come into play. Medical studies have shown promising results regarding the potential uses of CBD oil and balm in managing conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, and inflammation.

Consulting with a healthcare provider can help tailor a treatment plan that best suits individual needs, taking into account factors like dosage, application methods, and possible interactions with other medications. It’s also crucial to understand how cannabinoid receptors in the body play a key role in the effectiveness of CBD products as part of a complementary therapy approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between CBD balm and CBD oil?

CBD balm and CBD oil are two different forms of cannabidiol (CBD) which offer unique benefits. CBD balm is a topical product that is applied directly to the skin, while CBD oil is typically taken sublingually.

How does CBD balm differ from CBD oil in terms of application?

CBD balm is a topical product that is usually applied directly to the skin, while CBD oil is typically taken sublingually by placing a few drops under the tongue for absorption.

What are the main benefits of using CBD balm compared to CBD oil?

CBD balm is specifically designed for external use and can provide targeted relief for muscle and joint pain, inflammation, and skin conditions. CBD oil, on the other hand, offers a more general sense of calm and relaxation when taken orally.

Can CBD balm and CBD oil be used together?

Yes, CBD balm and CBD oil can be used together to provide a comprehensive approach to wellness. CBD balm can be applied topically for targeted relief, while CBD oil can be taken for overall relaxation and balance.

Are there any differences in the effects of CBD balm and CBD oil?

While both CBD balm and CBD oil offer similar benefits, their effects may vary slightly. CBD balm can provide more localized relief for pain and inflammation, while CBD oil has a more systemic effect and can promote overall wellness.

Can CBD balm be used as a substitute for CBD oil?

CBD balm and CBD oil offer different forms of CBD and serve different purposes, so they cannot be used interchangeably. It is recommended to use them together for a more well-rounded approach to CBD use.

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Why Are CBD Balms and Oils So Expensive?

CBD balm is expensive due to several factors outlined in the search results. Firstly, the cost of CBD products, including balms, is influenced by the quality of raw materials, extraction processes, third-party testing, legal compliance, packaging, marketing, research and development, and supply and demand dynamics[1]. The meticulous process of bringing CBD from hemp fields to the final product contributes to its price tag. Factors such as the use of high-quality raw materials, rigorous testing standards, legal compliance costs, and research and development expenses all play a role in the pricing of CBD products like balms.

Additionally, the extraction process for CBD involves pressurized carbon dioxide methods that are efficient but require expensive equipment and trained professionals to operate, further driving up the cost of CBD products like balms[1]. Furthermore, reputable companies invest in third-party lab testing to ensure safety, strength, and quality in their CBD products. While this step adds to the overall cost, it is crucial for maintaining consumer trust and ensuring product safety

In conclusion, the high cost of CBD balm can be attributed to a combination of factors such as the quality of raw materials, extraction methods, testing standards, legal compliance costs, and research and development expenses involved in producing high-quality CBD products.

What are the benefits of using CBD

Smiling Woman Runner
Smiling Woman Runner

Using CBD balm offers a range of benefits for the skin and overall well-being, as highlighted in the provided sources. Here are some key benefits of using CBD balm:

  1. Pain Relief: CBD balms are effective in providing pain relief, making them ideal for conditions like muscle aches, chronic pain, and cramps. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD help soothe localized pain.
  2. Skin Conditions: CBD balm can help with various skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation and promote skin healing.
  3. Moisturization: CBD balm is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that help moisturize the skin, making it beneficial for dry, cracked, or rough skin patches.
  4. Anti-Aging: The use of CBD balm can help combat signs of aging like wrinkles by regulating oil production and promoting skin health.
  5. Muscle Recovery: After intense physical activity, CBD balm can aid in muscle recovery by soothing inflammation and activating tired muscles. It helps reduce soreness and discomfort post-workout.
  6. Enhanced Physical Activity: By alleviating pain and inflammation, CBD balm allows individuals to engage in physical activities without limitations imposed by chronic pain or discomfort.
  7. Safe and Natural: CBD balms typically contain naturally-derived ingredients that protect the skin from harmful contaminants while offering therapeutic benefits without negative side effects aside from rare instances of contact dermatitis.

In summary, using CBD balm can provide pain relief, improve skin conditions, moisturize the skin, combat signs of aging, aid in muscle recovery, enhance physical activity, and offer a safe and natural solution for various skin issues and discomforts.

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